Not Easily Replaceable / by Chris Foley

This 2017 quote from Yuval Noah Harari from a conversation with Nate Hopper has been in my notes folder for some time, and I stumbled upon it recently once again. How very relevant for these times.

Do you have advice for people for finding an occupation that cannot be easily replaced?

I think our best bet is to develop your emotional intelligence and your resilience, the ability to keep changing all the time. Previously in history, even in the 20th century, life was divided into two main parts: In the first part, you mostly learned, acquired knowledge and skills, and you built yourself a personal and a professional identity. In the second part, you mostly made use of those skills and those identities. The pace of change in the 21st century will be such that most of what you learn as a teenager will be completely irrelevant by the time you’re 40. If I were like in charge of education or a school or, I would try to crack that: How to educate people to be very resilient and to embrace change throughout their lives instead of to teach them coding or mathematics or whatever.